

I wish I could...

Feel sweet when you're in love...

I like this picture XD

誰還記得 是誰先說 永遠的愛我
以前的一句話 是我們以後的傷口
過了太久 沒人記得當初那些溫柔
我和你手牽手 說要一起 走到最後
我們都忘了 這條路走了多久
心中是清楚的 有一天 有一天都會停的
讓時間說真話 雖然我也害怕
在天黑了以後 我們都不知道會不會有以後
誰還記得 是誰先說永遠的愛我
以前的一句話 是我們以後的傷口
過了太久 沒人記得當初那些溫柔
我和你手牽手 說要一起 走到最後
我們都累了 卻沒辦法往回走
兩顆心都迷惑 怎麼說 怎麼說都沒有救
親愛的為什麼 也許你也不懂
兩個相愛的人 等對方先說想分開的理由
我和你的眼中 看見了不同的天空
走的太遠 終於走到分岔路的路口
是不是你和我 要有兩個相反的夢
:: Nice song from A Mei... Personally, I prefer sad love songs no matter it is Chinese, Cantonese or English... This is suppose an old song from her... I still like it coz the lyrics are true and meaningful... :'( ::


Ernisle said...

Hi, and thank you for letting my in your hommie. Well first of all, it's nice and cute for a peggie-innocent-shy-girl. Just kidding. Looks like you're not as shy and quiet as you seem to be, perhaps you're right saying that it's already okay to be able to talk alot on the first time. And you don't look like someone being chinese educated. ;-D Have a nice day. Gonna look here whenever I'm free.

shEngyi said...

wei.. nice song wei~~ hehe^^
blek blek~~ damn bored exam coming soon