
Euro Deli

Daddy and Mummy.
Their beloved princess XD

i LOVE my cheek bone... haha...

Swiss Coffee added whisky? I don't think it's nice... :)



Fish Fillet...

Pork shoulder...

We were kinda full but Mummy felt like trying more... and this is the last two dishes we've ordered...


Cheese & Ham...

This is a restaurant located somewhere at Jalan Yap Kwan Seng... just behind Old Town White Coffee... Do anyone know where is it? lolXD... It's a bit classic inside and the food are pretty good... I'll rate it as 7 over 10... :) Ohhh, I'm so full now... whole day eating western food... high calories and fats... damn... someone has told me that I'm getting fat... damn... I need to diet... :'(

:: HELL nOOOOO!!! Exam's around the corner and I have not get myself ready yet... I'm going to commit suicide in the exam hall... No worries dude, I would not update my blog for quite sometimes in order to burn the midnight oil... *hopefully and good luck to everyone! ::



I wish I could...

Feel sweet when you're in love...

I like this picture XD

誰還記得 是誰先說 永遠的愛我
以前的一句話 是我們以後的傷口
過了太久 沒人記得當初那些溫柔
我和你手牽手 說要一起 走到最後
我們都忘了 這條路走了多久
心中是清楚的 有一天 有一天都會停的
讓時間說真話 雖然我也害怕
在天黑了以後 我們都不知道會不會有以後
誰還記得 是誰先說永遠的愛我
以前的一句話 是我們以後的傷口
過了太久 沒人記得當初那些溫柔
我和你手牽手 說要一起 走到最後
我們都累了 卻沒辦法往回走
兩顆心都迷惑 怎麼說 怎麼說都沒有救
親愛的為什麼 也許你也不懂
兩個相愛的人 等對方先說想分開的理由
我和你的眼中 看見了不同的天空
走的太遠 終於走到分岔路的路口
是不是你和我 要有兩個相反的夢
:: Nice song from A Mei... Personally, I prefer sad love songs no matter it is Chinese, Cantonese or English... This is suppose an old song from her... I still like it coz the lyrics are true and meaningful... :'( ::


Just went back from lunch with my parents... feel refreshing after I've took my shower :) yeap, I went Ruums last night for some sort of event organized by Levi's... seriously, we went there simply because to support my boy's friend who participated in the live band competition... unfortunately, traffic jam caused us missed his friend's show :( Somehow, we were glad to know that he was one of the winners among all the finalists last night... At first, we planned to switch to another place once the event is finished but traffic on the road was horrible therefore we cancelled our plan and decided to stay at there... I did not take much photos yesterday night... just took some for Candy and Jyh Loong... coz I wasn't in a good condition lolXD...

so cute larrrrrrr... lolXD pinch*

not enough sleep... see my panda?

:: Wanna know something? I was in rush today and this was actually yesterday's make up... and I did not take my shower before lunch... Shhhh... I'm 'hygiene' right?? lolXD ::


Crystal Jade & Chocolate Lounge

omg, I'm having my final very soon but how come I seems to have my holidays rather than studying in college... too bad for me then :(... I got myself pampered too much... shop and shop... having nice food and lot of outings recently... awww, it's time to stop and get myself prepared for the final exam...

I was having 12 o'clock class today...

Me at Crystal Jade in Pavillion *recommended by Candy*

Candy, my sweetheart...

nice food, nice environment...

Fondue *Chocolate Lounge*

This chocolate waffle was good...
Met up with Choo Kong and Tyan right after dining at Crystal Jade... XD

Yum Yum...
lolXD... she's Chocolate Lounge's ambassador... :)
CHOCOLATE... mua mua... however, I need to diet after this...

We were having the same face expression... you know why, girls do always love chocolate coz it's sweet enough...

We're too much... XD


Don't jealous my dear, I'll feed you later k? XD
Candy, Choo Kong and Tyan...

We went home around 7 o'clock... See what was happening on the road at this time... it was dazzling outside plus traffic jam, it made me headache...


darling awww darling...

awwww, I've spent most of my time with my darling nowadays... Finished lunch with my parents this afternoon and he came to fetch me straightly to his residential area club for gym and badminton... His parents were at there too :) I saw his parents three days in a row... omg... Afterall, we went to dine at somewhere in PJ area... the food was great and we had some photo session as well... lolXD... anyhow, it was so warm and genial to be with them... his parents were kind enough in the sense of treating me... and I appreciate so much mua mua...

what it calls? I've totally forgotten... it tastes like abalone... yummy :)

big fat juicy oysters with chopped green scallion...

Prawn mee...

:: Those are all pictures taken during my lunch time... you know, I'm having my lunch at restaurant 23 located somewhere in PJ area... and such a coincidence, my dar's parents brought me to Ah Yat Abalone which located at the same place in the same row... oh yeap, we watched the live olympic badminton final at there too... I guess everyone was so nervous about that... Unfortunately, Lee Zhong Wei had lose the opportunity of getting a gold medal for Malaysia and RM1mil was just fly away like that... Nevermind, perhaps RM300K is already enough for a silver medal... hahaXD ::

me and my darling...

camwhoring... he don't really like to take picture... XD


One of the days...

== this picture reminds me the way I looked when I was in secondary school... those innocent eyes... yiiiiiii

this one better :)

I was rushing out and never get to fully make up today... see my eyes and messy hair... lolXD... used my sunglasses to cover up all... shhh, don't laugh... Mgit, here's your pictures lolXD and you know, sometimes I really got nothing to post up here... maybe I'm not an active blogger somehow thanks for reminding me... :) Ciaoz


It makes me feel beautiful :)

I've started my second freelance job today... I'm working for two days and this is some sort of ushering and promoting job... The client is extremely strict and high requirements... you know, basically there are five members in a team and the client has already pulled out three of the girls today... and the way he talked was so straight forward... 'you girls are too short and look a bit kiddy' in fact, these two girls are actually the eldest in our team... == Seriously, I do like the way the client handling stuff... although he's a bit strict, everyone has his/her own method in dealing with problems... he's kinda funny sometimes... but his jokes would normally scare off people... he is so unpredictable...

We had a long conversation compared to other girls and he asked me what's the reason of choosing finance course in Tar College... He told me that he's actually operating a branding company and from what he has observed, he commented that I'm having a very good skill in communication and should try to involve in all these... He adviced me a lot and gave me his name card... Can you imagine? He even asked me when am I going to graduate... hahaXD eleh leh, I'm not proud of myself since this is not the first time also hahaXD... maybe he was right, I did not know what's my interest at the first place before... the story haven't end here yet... he's a sucessful businessman and earning millions in a month and now he was offering himself to guide me... I was almost fainted right in front of him... There are lot of invaluable advices, pearls of wisdom from him... I can't state it all here, but seriously he taught me truckload of stuff... Thank you and will see yea on Sunday again...

Vinky and me...

Khiyunie and me...

:: I feel beautiful because I've grown up and learned a lot after the downside of my life. The process was painful and distressing but it's worth. Thanks to everyone who have been supporting me along the way and stay beside me whenever I need you guys. Once again, I love my friends, family and myself. <3 ::

:: There's one thing would never change in me and it's the principle of my life which is treating peoples sincerely no matter how others treated you, at least, you have try your best. :))) good luck everyone... ::



Sometimes I love to be alone... I can feel the tranquility, peace and silence in the air... the best time to listen to your heart and ponder on stuff... It feels good...

life's cruel... :'(

Somehow, we need to face it with a smile... :)

let's race with the time machine...



:: Interview and dining with Anna today, we'd complained a lot... calm down... life's great, I truly believe in that and yeap god bless you pass your exam... I'll pray for you and thanks for being so sweet and supportive, I love you... mua ::