
It makes me feel beautiful :)

I've started my second freelance job today... I'm working for two days and this is some sort of ushering and promoting job... The client is extremely strict and high requirements... you know, basically there are five members in a team and the client has already pulled out three of the girls today... and the way he talked was so straight forward... 'you girls are too short and look a bit kiddy' in fact, these two girls are actually the eldest in our team... == Seriously, I do like the way the client handling stuff... although he's a bit strict, everyone has his/her own method in dealing with problems... he's kinda funny sometimes... but his jokes would normally scare off people... he is so unpredictable...

We had a long conversation compared to other girls and he asked me what's the reason of choosing finance course in Tar College... He told me that he's actually operating a branding company and from what he has observed, he commented that I'm having a very good skill in communication and should try to involve in all these... He adviced me a lot and gave me his name card... Can you imagine? He even asked me when am I going to graduate... hahaXD eleh leh, I'm not proud of myself since this is not the first time also hahaXD... maybe he was right, I did not know what's my interest at the first place before... the story haven't end here yet... he's a sucessful businessman and earning millions in a month and now he was offering himself to guide me... I was almost fainted right in front of him... There are lot of invaluable advices, pearls of wisdom from him... I can't state it all here, but seriously he taught me truckload of stuff... Thank you and will see yea on Sunday again...

Vinky and me...

Khiyunie and me...

:: I feel beautiful because I've grown up and learned a lot after the downside of my life. The process was painful and distressing but it's worth. Thanks to everyone who have been supporting me along the way and stay beside me whenever I need you guys. Once again, I love my friends, family and myself. <3 ::

:: There's one thing would never change in me and it's the principle of my life which is treating peoples sincerely no matter how others treated you, at least, you have try your best. :))) good luck everyone... ::


Anonymous said...

Dear, after my break, I have exactly the same view like u. Thanks for all the support u guys gave, and I truly appreciate my family, my friends and myself. Love them and love myself so much more, feel free and much more happier. Maybe I will start freelancing too. Like you said, it feels so good to spend own $, it's without guilt and all. Besides, you are right, despite how others treat us, we must treat others good and sincerely, but of course must protect ourselves too. We must put more love into this world... Without love, living is meaningless and of course, love doesn't mean only boy-girl relationship kind of love. Just drop by to tell you once again that I love you^^

taries said...

u been grow once again. proud of u my dear. =)